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Privacy Notice for Youth:













You or your parents have given Arbury Community Church some information about yourself.  This notice tells you a bit more about what we will do with it.



At any time you can ask us:


  • for a copy of the information we have about you.

  • to put right any information that is wrong

  • to delete any information we no longer need

  • not to use your information any












The Information Commissioner makes sure we look after your information. You can complain to the Information Commissioner’s office if you have a problem with the way we are using your information.


What do you know about me and what will you do with that information?















We want to be able to invite you to youth activities run by us. This includes youth meetings and other trips and activities.

To do that we need to make sure we know things like your name and age. We also want to pray for you.


So we can keep you safe and make sure you can enjoy our activities as much as possible we may also have details of any allergies or other needs you might have.














Who else will see my information?


We won’t share your information with anyone else outside of the Church unless you agree or unless we think we have to do this to keep you safe, (e.g if you hurt yourself and we have to phone for an ambulance!)


How long will you keep my information for?


We will make sure we get rid of the information we have about you when we don’t need it any more, for example when you are too old for the youth activities we run,  or if you decide you don’t want to take part in them any more.

The only time we might keep any details about you for any longer would be if we thought we needed to make sure you were safe.














If you need to contact anyone to talk about anything in this leaflet, here are the church contact details.

Address 84 Gilbert Road, Cambridge, CB4 3PD


07864 087117


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